Undergraduate 研究 Training Initiative for Student Enhancement (U-RISE)

Undergraduate 研究 Training Initiative for Student Enhancement (U-RISE) Undergraduate Student Training for Academic 研究 (U*STAR) supports students' academic and research activities while they train to enter Ph.D. 项目. The U-RISE program is the continuation of the M-MARC (Monarchs Maximizing Access to 研究 Careers) program at Old Dominion University ending in May 2023. Both 项目 have the same objectives and have been funded by NIH-NIGMS.

U-RISE Trainees begin the program when they are Juniors majoring in Biological Sciences, Chemistry and Biochemistry, Computer Science, or Psychology. They receive excellent financial benefits, exceptional professional training through research experiences, and participate in professional development thru conferences and workshops tailored to their professional needs.

U-RISE Trainees make exceptional candidates for doctoral program admission and are very strong candidates for the NSF 研究生 研究 Fellowship, and other discipline specific fellowships.

Please use the menu above to learn more about the U-RISE program, program benefits, U-RISE activities, 指导, and other resources.

Interested in attending one of our professional development workshops? See our current schedule 在这里.

Program Directors & 管理

Undergraduate 研究 Training Initiative for Student Enhancement


Undergraduate 研究 Training Initiative for Student Enhancement

National Institutes of 健康 (NIH) Logo
资金 for the U-RISE program at ODU is provided by the NIH under project 1T34GM118259 with matching support from ODU.