M-MARC学员- 2024级



克里斯蒂娜•詹姆斯 is a Junior majoring in Psychology. She is from Chantilly, 维吉尼亚州, where she graduated high school with honors in 2020. Christina is the recipient of the ODU crown scholarship and a current Summa Cum Laude. In her free-time, Christina enjoys painting, cooking, and working out. 她计划攻读博士学位.D. 临床心理学学位. 她的导师是 Dr. 凯茜Lau-Barraco



詹姆斯•欧文斯 is a junior majoring in Computer Science and Game Studies. He is from Beckley, West 维吉尼亚州. His current research interests include eye tracking and cognitive research. He participated in the 维吉尼亚州 Commonwealth University Pauley Heart Center's undergraduate research fellowship during the summer of 2022. In his free time, James enjoys running, skiing, and playing the piano. 他计划获得博士学位.D. 在计算神经科学中. 他的研究导师是教授. 位于Jayarathna



希礼的人 is a junior majoring in 生物医学 Sciences. 她来自佐世保, 日本, and graduated from Oak Harbor High School in Washington State, receiving high honors and the President's Award for Educational Excellence. Ashley took part in the Cardiovascular research opportunity over the summer of 2022 at 维吉尼亚州 Commonwealth University. She enjoys playing tennis, art, and baking. 她计划获得博士学位.D. degree in 生物医学 Sciences to improve the understanding of, 如果不能治愈, 各种自身免疫性疾病.



快乐啤酒 is a first-generation student in her junior year studying 生物医学 Sciences with a Chinese Studies minor. 她住过美国各地.S., but has been in 维吉尼亚州 for the past 7 years. Joy enjoys taking care of plants, cooking, and making art. Her research interests include genetic and/or chronic conditions, virology, and vaccine synthesis. 她计划获得博士学位.D. and work as a medical researcher, both domestically and abroad.

M-MARC学员- 2023级



Stephonda刘易斯 is a junior majoring in 生物医学 Science. 她来自约克镇, 维吉尼亚州, and graduated from York High in 2019, 她在哪里获得了IB文凭. 她是NAACP ACT-SO奖获得者, Lambda Lambda Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Scholarship Awardee, 哈利 & 朱迪·沃森奖学金获得者, 维吉尼亚州 Space Grant Consortium: STEM BRIDGE Awardee, and a Dean's Perfect Scholar since her freshman year at ODU. She enjoys playing volleyball and volunteering. 斯蒂芬达的目标是获得M.D./Ph.D. degree where she can research and treat various types of cancers. 她的导师是 教授. 凯尔·兰伯特.



诺维雅曼 他是化学专业的大三学生. She is from Spanish Town, Jamaica, and has been living in the U.S.A. 四年来. Novia's current research and interests focus on the degradation of microplastics. She enjoys gardening 并计划获得博士学位.D. 环境化学学位. 她的导师是 教授. 阿尔文夹.



凯瑟琳Cipriano 她是生物学专业的大三学生. She is from Windsor, Connecticut, and moved to 维吉尼亚州 six years ago. 凯瑟琳 got her associate of science degree with honors from Tidewater 社区 College, and took part in the Chemistry research opportunity for undergraduates over the summer of 2021. She hopes to study jellyfish and other biofluorescent deep-sea organisms, as well as their potential medical applications, 并计划获得博士学位.D. 海洋生物学学位. 她的M-MARC研究导师是 教授. 大卫附近.



Aislin西 is a junior majoring in electrical engineering. 她来自弗吉尼亚州的斯塔福德. Aislin's research and interests focus on regenerative medicine and gene therapy. She is the recipient of the Clark-Nexsen Engineering Scholarship and the ODU Presidential Scholarship. Some of her favorite things include reading, weightlifting, and enjoying nature! 她计划获得博士学位.D. 生物医学工程学位. 她目前的M-MARC导师是 Dr. 克劳迪娅Muratori, at the Frank Reidy 研究 Center.

M-MARC学员- 2022级

劳伦·巴特勒 graduated with a Psychology major with a minor in Human 服务s. She hails from Richmond, 维吉尼亚州. Butler enjoyed participating in research concerning Intimate Partner Violence and Sexual Minority Stress. 在她空闲的时候, she enjoys activities like bike riding and hikes or simple things like binge-watching crime shows on Netflix. 她的导师是 教授. 克里斯汀鹭.

林赛天 来自弗吉尼亚州的萨福克. Lindsay's research has focused on developing transition metal-based drugs to treat breast cancer. She was the recipient of a Perry 荣誉学院 本科 研究 Grant and the Broderick Scholarship, which allowed her to present her research and learn from other scientists at multiple American Chemical Society conferences, and fund a study-abroad trip to Jamaica to study bioinorganic chemistry. 她的导师是 教授. 阿尔文夹.

Daja古德里奇 她是化学专业的大四学生. 她来自纽波特纽斯, 维吉尼亚州, and graduated from the Achievable Dream High 学校 as Valedictorian. Daja's goal is to become a forensic chemist and work in a lab to assist in the apprehension of culprits with the assistance of technology. Daja enjoys knitting and donating her creations to the community. 她计划获得博士学位.D. 法医学学位. 她的M-MARC研究导师是 教授. 克雷格Bayse.

克洛伊史密斯 来自弗吉尼亚州的格伦艾伦. She graduated majoring in Biological Sciences. She was the recipient of an ABRCMS travel award in 2019, and won a prize for best poster at that conference as well. 克洛伊喜欢阅读和绘画. 她的M-MARC研究导师是 教授. 阿尔文夹. 克洛伊开始了Ph值测试.D. at Cornell University in Fall 2022.

本科 研究 Training Initiative for Student Enhancement


本科 研究 Training Initiative for Student Enhancement