
最靠谱的网赌软件致力于公平的薪酬做法. 在同等程度上, an annual salary equity review is conducted to identify and address possible inequities in salaries of faculty and administrators. The focus of the review examines any differences in salary that could be affected by gender or ethnicity. Adjustments made through this process are for equity only and will not address problems of merit or compression although either of these factors could justify a salary differential.

需要审查的案件由机构公平和多样性办公室确定, 大学行政管理人员协会, 黑人教师和行政人员联盟, 西班牙/拉丁裔雇员协会, 亚裔和亚裔美国教师核心小组, 以及妇女党团会议. 你也可以自我认同. 提交自我认同意见书, please fill out and submit the self-identification form (found on Equity and 多样性's website) and the required supporting statement. The statement should include a rationale supporting the belief that your salary may be adversely impacted because of gender and/or ethnicity.

请注意, 当案件被转发以进行辩护/提出建议时, 院长和副校长则不会 被告知审查请求是如何发起的. 一旦院长或副校长提供推荐或理由, 本办公室将根据所有相关补充资料审查答复. 在此综述的基础上, this 办公室 will request clarification and additional information to support the proffered justification.


The annual 工资权益 Review is conducted for the sole purpose of monitoring compliance with laws governing equal pay and nondiscrimination in compensation practices. 确保进行公平和客观的检讨, merit increases are considered independent of this process because it only addresses inequities resulting from unjustifiable gaps in salary between similarly situated employees who differ in gender or ethnicity. 通过设计, the process does not address salary differentials resulting from compression or other market driven factors.

审查过程以成对比较作为审查的初始阶段开始. 简而言之, a pair-wise comparison identifies salary differentials of at least one thousand dollars in similarly situated persons. 供教学和行政人员使用, 在确定处境相似的人时需要考虑的因素包括, 学位类型, 所获学位, 大学, 部门, 排名/标题, 年终身, 以及多年的大学工作经验. 在一切条件相同的情况下,处境相似的人应得到相似的薪水. In the event a differential is identified the salary equity process seeks to justify it or make an adjustment to correct it. If the differential can not be justified and the similarly situated persons are only different in gender or ethnicity a salary adjustment is appropriate to correct the pay inequity. Pay inequities based on gender and ethnicity are in violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act and the Equal Pay Act.

Some factors that can justify a differential in salary between similarly situated persons are performance, 保留, 和压缩. When available, annual merit increases are designed to reflect the performance of an employee. Retention salary adjustments can be used to retain an employee who has obtained an offer from another employer or whose absence would create a considerable financial loss for a program, 系或学院,最终是整个大学. 最后, compression adjustments recognize changes in market value of the services of usually a long term employee. 与薪酬不平等不同,留任和压缩调整是自由裁量的. For more detailed information please refer to the University's 工资权益 Procedure or contact the Office of 机构股票 and 多样性.


I. 目的

The University's salary equity review process is designed to resolve the problems associated with salary differentials that affect members of protected classes of employees. 大学的政策禁止歧视, 无论意图如何, 以性别为基础, 比赛, color, 宗教, 国家的起源, 年龄, 残疾, 资深地位, 性取向, 或者政治派别. Salary equity review process is designed to eliminate statistically significant salary differentials that may have arisen due to discrimination. This policy does not deal with salary differentials that have arisen because of other factors such as salary compression.

II. 一般程序

总统批准了这些指导方针. 资金 to support any salary increments made as a part of this salary equity review process will be a part of the salary funds allocated to each unit. 负责机构公平和多样性的助理副总裁, 谁向总统汇报工作, is responsible for the implementation of the guidelines and the ongoing operation of the salary equity review process. 通常, the Assistant Vice President of 机构股票 and 多样性 will begin accepting any requests for salary equity review by February 15th of each year. These requests will be acted upon in a timely fashion so that any salary adjustments that result will take effect on July 1st.

3. 具体程序

A. The Office of 机构股票 and 多样性 assembles required salary information to be used in the review process

B. 薪资公平审查的要求可能来自任何来源, 包括一个特定的教员, 职员或行政职员, 来自该员工的行政主管, 从诸如妇女核心小组这样的组成团体中, 黑人教师和行政人员联盟, 西班牙裔 & 拉丁裔雇员协会, the Asian Caucus or from the Assistant Vice President of 机构股票 and 多样性. All requests must be forwarded to the Assistant Vice President of 机构股票 and 多样性. 所有支持性数据和材料必须随附在这些请求中.

C. 负责机构公平和多样性的助理副总裁 will analyze these requests and forward them to the appropriate Vice President, 以及助理副总统的评论.

D. 副总统, 根据支持的信息, 会决定薪资公平调整吗.

E. 副总裁提交他/她的薪金建议的最终清单, 还有其他的加薪建议, 致总统, who will consult with the Assistant Vice President of 机构股票 and 多样性.

F. 总统批准副总统的建议, 全部地或部分地, 并可能选择要求额外的信息和分析.

G. The Budget Office prepares a memorandum for the President's signatures that reflect his/her final salary equity review decision.


IV. 审查请求