

Day One is an all-access course materials program allowing students to have their materials by the first day of class. The materials cost is included in tuition for one flat rate and is eligible to be covered by financial aid. Studies show that student success increases when students have the correct learning materials from the start of class. This program's large purchasing power allows ODU to 'buy in bulk' and receive exclusive discounts.


This program provides both digital and 物理 materials to students, 取决于讲师的采用(教科书选择).

Digital materials are provided to students directly through Canvas on day one of class. Online access to the ebooks is available on nearly any device and in any space. 一些电子书可以直接下载到平板电脑或笔记本电脑上. 另一方面, 如果教授选择使用物理教科书, students are notified via email to pick up their book at the bookstore. All students picking up 物理 materials are required to show their ODU ID at the time of pickup.


There are different ways to verify that a class is included in the Day One All-Access program:

  1. 在线目录: Courses in the Day One program are noted as such in the online course catalog found on the university's website (http://courses.gypsyleina.com)
  2. 书店网站: Students can also confirm Day One courses on the bookstore's website (www.ShopODU.com)
  3. 学生账户 & 电子邮件: 一旦注册了Day One课程, students will receive an email notification from the University Registrar. This notification will state which course and CRN is in the program and instructions on how to obtain materials. This email will also inform students to return materials to the bookstore if the applicable course is dropped.

Students can verify the format of their materials on the bookstore website, www.ShopODU.com. 如果文字上写着New, the book will be 物理; if the text says Digital, 这本书可以在Canvas中访问.

An email notification will be sent to students from the bookstore to their ODU email when their 物理 Day One material is ready for pick up. They will need to bring their ODU ID to the designated area within the bookstore to pick up their Day One order.

Students receiving digital materials through Canvas will log in and click the corresponding course. 教授将提供文本的链接和说明.

The path to your ebooks may vary depending on the publisher; to find a specific path, 选择下面适用的发布者说明.

就像学杂费一样, 学生在退课/加课日期之前退课, 课程材料费会退回到学生的账户. 如果学生在一半退款期限内退学, 就像学费减半一样, 课程材料也会扣一半的学分.

Students dropping courses utilizing ebooks will not need to take any further action. 一旦被正式记录下来, the digital material provided for the dropped class will be automatically removed from their Canvas. 访问相应的电子书,然后终止.

Students are responsible for returning all 物理 Day One materials in new condition for dropped courses. The material cannot be opened and out of the shrink wrap (if applicable); the access code cannot be scratched off or used (if applicable). If the material is not in re-saleable condition, the student may incur a charge at the bookstore.

Failure to return Day One materials will result in a hold on the student's account.

第一天提供给学生的材料是他们自己的! 课程结束后不需要归还材料.

Day One affected the way I register for classes because it makes things easier with the cost of everything being included. You don't have to worry about trying to find the money to be able to get your books and supplies you need to succeed in school. 

- Malcolm Marcus,网络安全专业的学生


Day One All-Access项目是学生成功的驱动力. Nearly one in five students skipped or deferred a class due to costs associated with course materials. 没有实施第一天计划, only 28% of students have all the required materials on day one of class, 但在第一天, 100%都有第一天的材料. Approximately 77% of faculty use the required textbooks in every class and three out of four students agree having their textbook helps them get better grades.

学生在上课开始时收到他们的课程材料, 不管他们的经济状况如何, 所以他们在第一天就做好了学习的准备. The faculty no longer has to worry about students being prepared with the correct materials on day one, and no longer have to act as tech support for digital materials or access code logins.

最近的一次, 对VCCS为期12个月的研究发现,通过Day One项目, students were more likely to earn higher grades and less likely to withdrawal.

This program provides students with the right materials from day one while ensuring faculty retain the academic freedom to choose the materials that best suit their teaching methods and preferences. 教师 are free to choose any format they find most beneficial to their student; digital, 物理, 或者两者的结合. Day One计划不会影响所使用的课程材料, 而是学生接受它们的过程.

确保学生在第一天收到第一天的材料, 申请截止日期是至关重要的. Adoptions can be submitted through Follett Discover tool in Canvas at any time. Please contact the bookstore if you have trouble accessing this tool or if you would like to schedule a training session for your department/team.

在我们切换到Day One之后, I no longer was getting emails from students about turning in work late because they didn't have the book. They weren't falling behind; I found the performance in class was better because they had the materials from the beginning.

- 佩奇·奥肖内西,会计学讲师