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Strategy Words with ODU blue overlay

Educational Outcomes and Student Experience: 本科

专注: What are our priorities for graduate education? 学术项目, 学习成果, and educational experience of graduates: Quality and Effectiveness
Program distinctiveness/Pillars of excellence - within and across disciplines
Priorities -for regional, national and international prominence
Size and shape of University's graduate program; proportion of graduate to undergraduate in light of faculty resources
Role of graduate students in research/scholarship and in teaching
Leveraging partnerships
Instructional Delivery and 支持 - traditional and technology-based, and blended learning
国际 students - role in teaching
Consider targeted areas for improvement in student learning (SACS Quality Enhancement Plan)


CHAIR Robert Wojtowicz 艺术 & 文学-艺术
约翰Applebaugh 气体的总统
Richardean本杰明 健康 Sciences - Nursing
莱恩敢 ONFilmFest导演
盖尔·道奇 科学-物理学
迪克·格雷戈里 科学-化学
Regina卡普 艺术 & 信 Political Science & 地理位置
穆尼尔Laroussi 加热器 & Comp工程
布伦达·刘易斯 RESEARCH生学习
约翰•莫里斯 城市RESEARCH & 公共管理
Shana Pribesh Education - ECI/Programs for RESEARCH & Evaluation of Public Schools
安德斯Sousa-Poza Engineering Management
TASK FORCE REP Ann Pettingill Library 政府

主要的主题 and Overall 注意事项

  • Bolstering Old Dominion University's position as a Major Metropolitan University in the Southeast United States
  • Developing and Expanding Strategic Partnerships with wide range of educational, 政府, corporate institutions
  • Enriching a Student-Centered 文化 on Campus

  • Identification of institutional strengths and challenges pertinent to Committee ScopeIdentification of external opportunities and threats pertinent to the Committee Scope
  • 区域 of Distinctiveness in Academic Programs and RESEARCH; Pillars of Excellence; Expertise
  • 区域.Ideal size and composition of student body and faculty
  • Perspectives of stakeholders, beneficiaries and constituencies
  • University's regional, national, and international position
  • Leveraging geographic advantage
  • Balancing Quality and Access
  • Instructional Delivery: face-to-face vs. technology-delivered/on- vs. off-campus/role of regional centers
  • 服务 to military and veterans
  • Consideration of substantial resource limitations during the planning window; presumption of reallocation of resources
  • Keep recommendations at a strategic level, all the while considering relevant operational and tactical issues.
  • Propose directions which have reasonable potential for sustainability
  • Planning documents and recommendations arising from the Strategic 登记管理 Process
  • Draft Plans of the Academic Colleges
  • SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Threats, Opportunities) Analysis Conducted for the 参观委员会
  • 教师 Senate General Education Recommendations
  • Council of RESEARCH生院s Analysis of RESEARCH生学习 and Programs
  • Distance 学习 Analysis of Niche and 组织
  • Enrollment, Degree, and Resource Trends by Department and Program
  • Higher Education Restructuring Act and Institutional Performance Measures
  • Other information as requested



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