

ODU's Norfolk campus is sometimes affected by 潮汐的洪水, which is a type of flooding  caused rain or storms, but by low elevation & natural tidal fluctuations.运输 & 停车服务 (TPS) has seen a steady increase in the number of Tidal flooding events and is working to mitigate and prepare for future events.


潮汐的洪水 is the direct effect of low elevation and natural tidal fluctuations. 给n our proximity to the Atlantic Ocean, local waterways often are negatively affected by 潮汐的洪水. This type of flooding is  caused by excess rain or severe weather events, but can often affected by these types of events 除了…之外 regular 潮汐的洪水 events.

National Weather 服务

潮汐的洪水 Forecast

的 National Weather 服务 (NWS) forecasts coastal flooding. 有3个类别:  (4.5英尺), 温和的 (5.5英尺),和 严重的 (6.5 feet) Coastal Flooding and each has a threshold that when surpassed, results in a 潮汐的洪水 event. 的 nearest NWS point of measurement to ODU is at Sewell's Point and TPS monitors this station's forecast regularly.

Whenever the forecasted Tide Height is in the 橙色或以上区域, ODU will experience some 潮汐的洪水.

How does ODU manage 潮汐的洪水 Incidents?

TPS manages Tidal flooding several ways:

  1. 监控 the NWS forecasts regularly
  2. 阻塞 off areas most commonly affected by 潮汐的洪水 with cones and signage
  3. 报警 students of affected areas and alternative parking locations

Frequently Asked Questions

停车 Spaces that have been affected previously or are prone to 潮汐的洪水 due to elevation are marked off with cones and signs before, 在, and after a potential 潮汐的洪水 event to prevent students from parking in those areas and flooding out their vehicles. Please do 不 move the cones or signs, or park in these areas. Even though it looks dry, it may 不 stay dry over time.

No, please do 不 park in any area that is marked off with cones and signage. 潮汐的洪水 fluctuates over time. While a parking space may be dry at the time you park your car, it could easily be flooded by the time you return.

潮汐的洪水 is NOT caused by rainfall, but by the natural fluctuation of the ocean's tides. This means that although it may be sunny out, 潮汐的洪水 events can still occur.

的 University does 不 close due to these types of events because it is 不 severely affected by 潮汐的洪水 events and these events do 不 affect the safety of students, 教师, 和工作人员. 看到 大学政策1020 了解更多信息.

Yes, hurricanes and tropical storms can affect the severity of 潮汐的洪水. Even storms that do 不 directly impact Hampton Roads can affect 潮汐的洪水; however, a storm directly impacting Hampton Roads will affect 潮汐的洪水 more than one that doesn't.

的 campus parking areas that have been most affected by 潮汐的洪水 events so far have been Lots 1 & 11. (见 校园停车图)

Do NOT attempt to reach your car. Stay outside the flooded area and call for assistance. TPS is 不 responsible for any damage to vehicles in flooded areas.