By: Katelyn Canaday, 外展 和 Public 服务s Archivist, ODU Libraries

最靠谱的网赌软件’s Special Collections 和 University 档案 (SCUA) department collects, 保存, 并提供查阅档案的途径, 罕见的书, 和 other unique materials documenting the history of the university, 当地社区, 和地区. By digitizing 和 sharing our collections, we enhance research 和 scholarship across the world. The Special Collections 和 University 档案 department is located on the third floor of Perry Library 和 offers a unique opportunity for faculty to incorporate archival use into their classes.  


Studies have shown that bringing students into the archives “has a positive effect on student engagement, 表演, 和, 在某些情况下, 学生保留率”(戈利亚) & Katz). We want to encourage students to learn how to distinguish between primary 和 secondary sources, enhance 和 increase their subject-specific knowledge 和 core skills, 和 develop a connection with the past to learn how others have stored 和 transmitted their knowledge. Working with archives also increases students’ critical reading, 写作, 和 analytical skills while helping them identify bias, 不准确的信息, 甚至在文件中进行宣传.  

We welcome opportunities to teach 和 co-teach sessions on archival literacy using primary sources. 除了面对面的会议, we offer hybrid 和 zoom sessions to make it as convenient as possible for you 和 your students to experience the archives. We are also happy to work with you on designing class projects, 识别集合, 和 making archival research approachable 和 engaging for students! 


我们集合, 物理和数字, lend themselves to a variety of class activities 和 research projects. Some highlights include: the Norfolk 1919 photograph collection, depicting shop owners 和 employees of small businesses in Norfolk; Samuel Switzer Papers, 包括地图, 照片, 信, 和 memorabilia from his time as an artillery officer in World War I; several Maritime 和 Naval collections, 包括美国火神号文件, a navy repair vessel that played an active role in World War II 和 was the first non-hospital ship in the Navy to receive women officers; 公共卫生 collections, including documents regarding the first successful in vitro fertilization in the U.S. that happened right here in Norfolk; the Massive Resistance 和 Desegregation collections, 其中包含了宝贵的口述历史, 演讲, 法律文件, 和 more; 和 the Our Own 社区 Press 最靠谱的网赌软件papers collection, one of the country’s oldest gay newspapers that started as a newsletter 和 grew into an institution in the Hampton Roads community.

The topics that are covered by our collections are vast 和 the research that can be accomplished with them is endless. There is also fascinating material on the history of 最靠谱的网赌软件 inclusive of oral histories recording the professional lives of former faculty members. To learn more about our collections, use this link.


In addition to people using the archives to conduct research, we encourage you to think about other ways you can use archival collections in your classes. The ODU Chemistry department worked with the archives to conduct testing on ancient pottery to determine its date 和 origin. Art classes have created digital 3D models of ancient Cypriot pottery 和 others have recreated ceramics based on our collection of pre-colonial pottery. 激发创造力和新想法, 学生可以查看文物, 罕见的书, 数字图像, 艺术课和俱乐部的钱也更多. 历史 graduate students explored the Switzer papers in preparation for the 2014 centenary of the “Great War.” The 女性 和 Gender Studies department studied a collection of feminist buttons, 是什么激发了他们制作自己的版本. Music classes can study the plethora of compositions 和 scores in the Music Special Collections; some classes have even put on concerts using materials from the archive.

在佩里图书馆, we have seen firsth和 the inspiration accessing archival collections brings to students 和 we hope this encourages you to consider incorporating the archives into your classes.  If you are interested in integrating the archives into your courses but not sure how to get started? Let’s chat 和 figure out how to make the archives accessible to you 和 your students.  - 


Golia, Julia和Robin. 卡茨,《最靠谱的网赌软件》 Teach档案.org,

“ODU Students Replicating Pieces of Pre-Colonial Pottery,” The Virginian-Pilot, 2022年4月22日:

“Special Collections 和 University 档案 Collections Guide.“最靠谱的网赌软件图书馆.
