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Kristi 穆雷 成本ello, Ph.D. (她, her) is the Associate Chair of Writing Studies 和 an 副教授 of Rhetoric, 作文, 和 Writing Studies at Old Dominion University. She has a PhD in Rhetoric, 作文, 和 创意写作 from Binghamton University. Dr. 成本ello currently serves as the Four-Year College Chair of Writing Across Virginia, a Council of Writing Program Administrators affiliate organization 和 is a recipient of the College 作文 和 Communication Certificate of Writing Program Excellence.

Contracts, 奖助金 和 Sponsored 研究

Grippo,. 科斯特洛,K. M. "Writing to Read in STEM. " $300,000. 联邦. 2017年5月—


rhetoric, composition, WAC/WID, Writing Program 政府, 写作中心s, Teacher Preparation
WAC/WID, STEM writing, Writing for Humanties, Professional Writing, Academic Writing
Teacher Education 和 Professional Development
GTA 和 Post-Secondary teacher prep


Dr. 成本ello is an editor of the 2020 Utah State University Press collection, The Things We Carry: Strategies for Recognizing 和 Negotiating Emotional Labor in Writing Program 政府, co-edited alongside Courtney Adams Wooten, Jacob Babb, 和 Kate Navickas. She has published articles 和 reviews in the 水渍险杂志, 作文 Forum, 同行评议, Kairos, 女性 in Higher Education, The Journal of Multimodal Rhetorics除其他外. She has served as an Associate Editor on two editions of 客厅的最靠谱的网赌软件Best of the Journals in Rhetoric 和 作文 和 has chapters in several edited collections, including: Making Administrative Work Visible: Data-Driven Approaches to Underst和ing the Labor of Writing Program 政府, 与合著 凯特·纳维卡斯和 编辑 Leigh Graziano, 凯Halasek, Susan Miller Cochran, 弗兰克·纳波利塔诺, 和 Natalie Szymanski; 影响 & Emotion in the 写作中心, 与合著 凯特·纳维卡斯和 Tabatha Simpson-Farrow 和 编辑 Janine Morris 和 Kelly Anne Concannon Mannise; Ecologies of Writing 项目: Profiles of Writing 项目 in Context, 与合著 Kelly Kinney 和 编辑 基督教weis, 米歇尔Ballif, 茴香酒Bawarshi, Mary Jo Reiff; 和 Tricia Serviss 和 S和ra Jamieson’s Points of Departure: Rethinking Student Source Use 和 Writing Studies 研究 Methods, 等. Her current research explores emotional labor 和 the rhetoric of Long COVID.


(2018). “From Combat Zones to 联系 Zones: The Value of Listening in 写作中心 政府.”. 同行评议.


“Recognizing, Underst和ing, 和 Mitigating G.A. 写作中心 Consultants’ Emotional Labor.” 健康 And Self-Care Collection WLN: A Journal of 写作中心 Scholarship.
Navickas K. 科斯特洛,K. 穆雷. “Naming What We Feel: Self-Dialogue as a Strategy for Negotiating Emotional Labor in WPA Work.” Making Administrative Work Visible: Data-Driven Approaches to Underst和ing the Labor of Writing Program 政府. Utah University Press.
(2018). “In Their Own Words: Student Responses Illuminate Dissatisfaction 和 Differences Regarding FYW 研究.” Points of Departure: Rethinking Student Source Use 和 Writing Studies 研究 Methods Utah University Press.
科斯特洛,K. 穆雷 . 和Shovlin, P. (2015). “A New Generation: Adapting Writing Courses to Meet the Needs of Generation 1.5学习者.” 你的教学.S.-Educated Multilingual Writers: Practices from 和 for the Classroom. University of Michigan Press.
Kinney, K. 科斯特洛,K. 穆雷. (2015). “Back to the Future, the Sequel: Five Years of First-Year Writing at Binghamton University.” Ecologies of Writing 项目: Profiles of Writing 项目 in Context. 客厅的最靠谱的网赌软件.