测试策略 & 程序


  • The OEA testing center is open from 8:00 AM-6:00 PM Mon-Fri during the fall and spring semesters, 和上午8点到下午5点.
  • OEA将不进行临时测试.
  • 教师不负责提供测验, 测试, or exams to the Office of 教育的可访问性 without receiving an official Test Request from OEA.
  • Any testing that requires an in-person proctor can be scheduled online. Once you complete the form and submit it, you will receive an email receipt.
    • If you are taking your test online outside of the OEA testing center, you should contact your instructor directly to ensure your time is extended in the learning management system that you are required to use.
  • You will have a maximum of double time, per your accommodations, to complete the test. Please ensure that you schedule to begin taking your test early enough that you can complete it by the time the 办公室 closes.
  • For test integrity purposes your test request reservation should be at the same time as the class time 除非 you have a不her class that conflicts with your double time.
    • You must communicate with your instructor prior to choosing a time to register online to ensure that they approve of the date/time you choose.


  • Check the class syllabus to see when quizzes/测试 are scheduled prior to submitting a Test Request.
  • 要求必须提前5个工作日提出.
    • 申请不能提前72小时在网上提出.
      • 要提出晚一点的请求,你必须打电话给办公室.
  • The 测试协调员 will e-mail the instructor prior to the date of the test (up to one week in advance) to alert them to your reservation information. 指导员将把测试提交给办公室.
  • 在您预定的日期和时间, you will come to the Testing Center a few minutes early to check in.
  • The following items are 不 permitted in the Testing Center 除非 explicitly permitted by the instructor or the accommodation process (*):
    • 个人草稿纸*
    • 手机
    • 智能手表/联网设备
    • 书包/钱包
    • 个人笔记本电脑
    • 帽子/棒球帽*
    • 太阳镜*
    • Any other items deemed inappropriate or unnecessary by the instructor or staff
  • 一旦你登记好了, you will be asked to place your belongings in a designated area then you will be given your test and the instructions that go with it.
  • 一旦你完成了测试, OEA将 return the test to the instructor within a few hours via email.

  • OEA中要求的测试的计划时间 不应偏离 从课程安排的时间开始 除非 permission from the instructor has been obtained (written proof may be requested).
  • 如果情况需要学生取消, 重新安排, 或者在测试预约中做一些其他的改变, 此信息必须提交给 这两个 通过电子邮件与教师和OEA联系.
  • Failure to follow the above procedures/policies may prevent OEA from being able to administer the test.

  • 学生们应该准时到达并开始他们的测试 如期.
  • OEA将  administer 测试 to students who arrive exceedingly early or late or on an incorrect day.
  • 有20分钟的宽限期. 如果学生迟到超过20分钟,学校将开除学生 将通知教员 学生的迟到.
  • 错过预定考试的学生 必须联系讲师 如需进一步说明. The missed test will 不 be administered by OEA without written permission from the instructor.

  • 考试由OEA工作人员监考并进行数字记录. Instructors may request for this footage to be reviewed by OEA staff or shared with them.
  • Students are expected to abide by the ODU Honor Code while testing in OEA. 如果发现任何学生违反了本守则, 测试将停止, 我们会联系指导老师. Decisions regarding academic dishonesty are 不 determined by OEA 但都是按照大学政策来做的.
  • 没有项目, other than those indicated by the instructor or related to an accommodation, 会在测试环境中被允许吗.
    • Cell phones and all smart devices are prohibited from being taken into the Testing Center.
    • OEA将 supply scantrons and scratch paper; if these items are used, 它们将与测试一起提交. 书包, 手机, and other personal belongings are placed in the 测试协调员's 办公室 during test administration.
  • 使用OEA的测试中心是一种特权,而不是权利. 不遵守这些程序, 或者违反了荣誉准则, can result in the student losing the privilege of taking any or all quizzes, 测试, 或在考试中心参加考试.

  • If your final exam is 不 listed in your class syllabus, please visit the ODU考试时间表页面 查看本学期期末考试时间表.
  • If your instructor is giving a final exam prior to finals week, you will need to submit a regular 测试申请表格,遵循正常的测试程序.
  • 期末考试在上午8:30或下午12:30开始.
    • We use two specific start times to accommodate your 6 hours and to help control the amount of traffic flow in the Testing Center. This information will be conveyed to your instructor in the test request letter they receive.
    • If your final exam is scheduled before 12:30 PM, choose 8:30 AM. If your final exam is scheduled for any time after 12:30 PM, choose 12:30 PM. 我们的办公室每天下午6点半关门.
  • Due to time constraints, we do 不 recommend you take more than one final per day. You are responsible for making sure that you receive your accommodation of up to double the time. Discuss with your instructors an alternative day when you do 不 have a不her exam scheduled. If you feel you may be able to complete two final exams (不 recommended) in one day, please discuss this with the 测试协调员 before submitting your requests.
  • Bring any class materials which are permitted to complete the exam. 我们办公室将提供草稿纸, 基本的计算器, 铅笔, 橡皮擦, 耳塞, 蓝色的答题卡, 还有绿色答题卡.
  • If you miss the deadline to submit your request online, you will have to call or email the 测试协调员. You must provide the 办公室 with the same pertinent information used in the online form.

  • Your instructors will know how to accommodate your needs with testing, 但每个班级的情况可能不同.
  • 首先和你的导师讨论你的需求, and if you have any questions or additional concerns please contact us!